imageHere’s where you can give to The Carolyn Held Memorial Fund

Your contribution is 100% tax deductible.

You can also support George directly:  If you have extra to share, you are welcome to contribute to George’s food, camping and equipment expenses. These donations are not tax deductible. However, they do help offset the cost of George being on the road for 48 days, working to raise funds for the Carolyn A Held Memorial Fund.



Paypal users can fund George using:

Checks or Money orders can be made payable to:

George Maurer, 111B Island Avenue West, Minneapolis, MN 55401



48 x48 Video Journal: Days 9 to 12

48 Across the 48 Journal Days 9 to 12

With a bicycle that generates electricity, how can you not use an iPhone all you want to document the journey of a lifetime?  Enjoy these scenes of my first several days bicycling 3600 miles from Seattle to Boston to raise funds for cancer research at the Mayo Clinic.

From the Idaho Panhandle to an impromptu (and uncannily timed arrival at) concert with my friend and performer Jack Gladstone, to meeting another biker, Patrick McMurchie, biking the same route, these scenes (and this song by Jack Gladstone) reflect the powerful and frail beauty of the land I am riding through.

Look up Jack Gladstone’s music at